Friday, December 31, 2010

Since When?

I have this new out of control thing for chocolate.  At which point you're like,

"Yeah big deal loser, every lonely girl loves chocolate".  

This is totally out of the blue though.  I never used to eat chocolate, much less milk chocolate.  I move to Germany and its BAM all the time, I need it.  As a result I have decided that when lent approaches I will give it up for lent.  Not that I am Catholic nor in general do I know what the deal with lent is, I just figure it may help in the weaning process.  

I once had a successful lent going without french fries, I had a serious addiction to the Ronald's fries.  Since the one win I have always tried to reign in my sailors mouth, but of course, shit's weak and it never worked out.  Plus cussing is way fun and only makes me appear to have a very choosy vocabulary. Whereas chocolate just makes you big and look extra pathetic if someone walks in on you cramming your face.

None of this was prompted by the question of the weekend.  I saw a guy friend I have not seen in 3 years and he asked,

Do you think you have gained or lost weight since I've seen you?

Ummm, I don't know, I don't have a scale.

P.S that conversation was in broken Hungarian and very awkward because it just stopped there....

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