Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lack of

I do not have a cord to connect my camera to my computer right now, so I feel lame talking about things when I can't show them.

Soon to come with photos:

My apartment
Cat faces
City pics

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Found out the word for shrimp today when I ordered what I thought was vegetarian noodles...whoops


Last night I was introduced to a new liquor, it was bright green.  

When I asked what it was like some groaned and some cheered, so of course to be nice I tried it.  I discovered that pfefferminz likör was actually as refreshing as people claimed.

It was mouthwash, if mouthwash had instructions to swallow.

 I was a little disturbed at first and then I realized this could be the best kept secret of a night out on the town.  Not only a popular hangover cure (drink some more) but an anecdote to the sleepover buddy which insist you cannot escape without a "goodbye, I never want to see you again, ew, gross" kiss.  The downside?  Anything tried shortly after has that terrible "just brushed my teeth, shouldn't have drank that" taste.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 3ish 4ish

Today, things are looking up.  Thats right I might finally find a home.  For some background, here I am in Berlin, Germany trying to find a place to live for the next year.

I visited an apartment today and they guy living there was from Israel and seemed kinda high but was a classical musician so who knows how accurate that impression is.  His apartment?  Loved it!  There was a really high loft bed a lot of space and a window (yay for light in the winter months!)  As I mentioned he seemed a little.... slow....on this day so crossing my fingers he calls me next week and says
      "hey want to live with me."
I had another to visit but got lost and gave up.... whoops

One more and my day is complete and I can sleep.  The next house is supposed to have a dog.
